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Scale Up your Leadership with Team Coaching
We help your new leaders manage and develop their teams and themselves.
In the time of COVID-19, organisations need leaders to sense and respond quickly to change. Managing remotely, building relationships virtually and focusing on performance are all the more tricky if you have never done it before. ​
At 3LD Coaching, we​ help new managers:
Become Leader-Coaches
Understand how to build relationships with remote team members
Gain confidence in giving feedback
Explore how to build trust
Move from 'mate, to manager.'

We help you define your vision and purpose.
When there were only three people in the company, it was easy to be joined up and agree priorities. Now you've got sixty people and you're opening an office in another country, its more tricky.
At 3LD Coaching, we​ will help your executive team:
Define the vision, purpose and objectives for your organisation
Understand, and break down the barriers to effective communication
Give feedback to fellow team members and peers, fostering an open and honest culture.
Demonstrate compassion and understanding
Explore how to build trust and an authentic culture
Increase the focus, accountability, and execution speed of your team's performance.
Understand what your stakeholders need from you.

Our Team Coaching Approach
We Diagnose First. One Size Does NOT Fit All.
We Develop Your Agenda
We Coach, Facilitate Skills Workshops, Deliver Strategy Sessions.
We Promote Accountability and Responsibility for Action.
We Constantly Evaluate and Adjust, Just Like You Do.
You Get Better Results More Quickly, Retain Talented People and Give People Purpose.

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